Frequently Asked Questions


What services does Clear Advantage offer?
We build, train & manage sales teams. Our processes are designed to improve your sales team's performance. These include but are not limited to:
  • Sales Skill Development
  • Sales Strategy Consulting
  • Leadership Training
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Training
  • Pipeline Management
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Lead Generation
  • Call Center

Who can benefit from your services?
Our services are designed for sales teams, sales managers, and executives in companies of all sizes across various industries. We can help you whether you are looking to train a new sales team, improve an existing team's performance, or develop high-level sales strategies.

What is the duration of your training programs?
Our training programs vary in length depending on your needs. They can be as short as a half-day workshop, multi-week comprehensive programs or ongoing scheduled sessions with your team.

Do you offer virtual training?
Yes, we offer both in-person and virtual training options to accommodate various needs and circumstances.
How customizable are your programs? 
Our training and consulting programs are highly customized. We conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify your unique challenges and goals and design a program accordingly.

What is the cost? 
The cost of our services varies depending on the scope, duration, and customization level. Please contact us for a tailored quote.
  • Hourly Rates: Generally for short-term projects
  • Project-Based: For extended, structured service
  • Retainer: Required for program implementation and ongoing services
What is your training methodology?
We employ a variety of methods, including hands-on exercises, role-playing, real-life case studies, and interactive discussions, online courses etc. to ensure engagement and effective learning.

Who are your trainers?
Our trainers are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in building, training and managing sales teams.
How is success defined?
We define success through various metrics such as increase in sales revenue, improvement in sales cycle time, customer retention rates, and participant feedback.

How do I get started?
You can get started by contacting us via email, phone, or through our website to schedule an initial consultation.

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Clear Advantage

Starting is the Most Important Step
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